Local Showcase with Moon Before Dawn, Recovery Park and Alroys

Stage times:

Alroys 8:15 pm

Recovery Park 9 pm

Moon Before Dawn 9:45 pm

Presented by Eagle and Salmon Events

ELEPHANT AND THE RIDER with support from Murks, Midscale, and Sweet Gene Vincent

On Wed Feb 12, Picky New Promotions are proud to present ELEPHANT AND THE RIDER with support from Murks (Marburg, DE), Midscale (Paris, FR) and locals Sweet Gene Vincent, at Aatma in Manchester.

Elephant and The Rider are a 4-piece independent band birthed in Cheadle. Creating ripples in the local Manchester music scene, their first year of releases saw them amass over 20k streams, as well as receiving various notable radio attention in the UK and USA. Upcoming EP ‘Forever Didn’t Last That Long’ is set to release this year, making 2025 a very exciting time to be following Elephant and The Rider.

Support comes from German garage surf punk band Murks and French shoegazers Midscale. Both bands are making their Manchester debut! And opening are locals Sweet Gene Vincent.

Tickets £4 + bf

Deathbloom / Warm Place / Dierotica

“We are excited to announce that we will be hosting Deathbloom at Aatma on 12th December 2024 with support from Warm Place and Dierotica.

Tickets are £7, with no one turned away for lack of funds as always! See you there!”

Open Fly, The Dirty Looks and Dierotica

A night of DIY riotous live music from Open Fly, The Dirty Looks and new gothgaze band Dierotica.

Stage times:

Open Fly 9:40pm:
The Dirty Looks 8:50pm
Dierotica 8:05pm

Tickets £5.50 advance / £6.50 on the door.

Dots & Loops 18th Anniversary

Dots & Loops returns for a one-off 18th anniversary special! Our first club for 6 years, and our first set since supporting Saint Etienne on their Tiger Bay anniversary tour.
Join us on 4th October at Aatma (formally Kraak) from 9pm ‘til 2am for fine sounds, drinks and dancing. Entry is just £2 before 11pm, and £4 after.
Shoegaze, post-punk, kraut rock, power pop, alternative, indie, electronic, psych, low-fi and more from the likes of:
slowdive depechemode thereplacements duster blur m83 pixies air stereolab can kraftwerk r.e.m. lcdsoundsystem spiritualized moonduo bowie teenagefanclub williamonyeabor missionofburma fourtet bjork arthurrussell transam mudhoney thepopgroup neu! wire silverapples harmonia fugazi broadcast johngrant dinosaurjr brokensocialscene aphextwin woodenshjips saintetienne suicide pulp mybloodyvalentine thejesuslizard bushtetras yolatengo felix spacemen3 galaxie500 talkingheads thejesusandmarychain goat spectrum the13thfloorelevators luna thebeachboys peakinglights thecure klausjohanngrobe brianeno interpol nickcave&thebadseeds electrelane theclientelle bedhead sonicyouth mazzystar modernlovers factoryfloor chadvangaalen cocteautwins massiveattack sonicboom superfurryanimals atthedrive-in kingcrimson johncale nirvana quilt robynhitchcock low prince magnoliaelectriccompany gainsbourg pjharvey wilco sharonvanetten thechills thesoftboys nicklowe suede thegobetweens bccamplight cometsonfire theweddingpresent thefall kikagakumoyo damonandnaomi theflyingburritobrothers
huskerdu domakesaythink unwound elliottsmith bigstar angelolsen boardsofcanada animalcollective funkadelic thebyrds buzzcocks jonathanrichman slint petshopboys thecleanersfromvenus codeine thepsychedelicfurs thefieldmice loureed beastieboys modestmouse mogwai tvontheradio neworder thebreeders gangoffour pylon sparklehorse nadasurf kurtvile boris thevelvetunderground alanvega acidmotherstemple purplemountains flamingroovies thedBs love deerhunter arabstrap neilyoung pavement guidedbyvoices loop charlesbradley theshangri-las andyouwillknowsbythetrailofdead
orangejuice reigningsound thebetaband thevaselines television courtneybarnett joydivision thesonics silverjews grinderman mia goldensmog theKLF brittaphillips radiohead sugar mew theramones leonardcohen thesoftboys redhousepainters ride grandaddy martinrev etiennedaho pandabear michaelrother fuxa yeahyeahyeahs portishead felt thestooges rokyerickson theMC5

Bolshevik Rollups Release Party Gig

Celebrating the release of Bolshevik Rollups’ newest single, with support from very special guests Cloe Velez and FIRE EXIT.
Bolshevik Rollups captured headlines in the North West in 2023, when they won Andy Burnham’s artist of the month award for November following the release of their debut single, Chakra Scoliosis. They are returning to Aatma, scene of their scintilating February headline show for Independent Venue Week, to launch their new single, with very special guest Cloe Velez and support from FIRE EXIT.
Doors at 19:00
Curfew 22:30
Tickets £5.50 + bf

Keeley with Sweet Knuckle and Last Tourist

“The songs range from golden shimmery atmospherics to punchy power tunes” ~ Miki Berenyi (Lush, Piroshka)
“Moss’s love of 1980s and 1990s jangle and fuzz-pop (from the Smiths and Stone Roses to Lush and Ride) is audible on standout ‘Seeing Everything’ and ‘Arrive Alive’,” ~ The Irish Times
“A gem of heart stopping beauty that resonates and lightly slaps your earlobes with a glorious sound” ~ Louder Than War
“a gloriously captivating listen” ~ Clash Magazine

KEELEY (fronted by acclaimed singer-guitarist Keeley Moss) make their return to AATMA with support from Sweet Knuckle (feat. ex-members of legendary Factory Records band Section 25) and Last Tourist. An evening of dreamrock, post-punk and shoegaze stylings.

Adv tickets £8 + bf

emails2saturn, WRKHOUSE, Vacant Weekend, Jacob Coley

Out of the blue, a cracking lineup of shoegazey and alternative bands has been put together for this Friday at Aatma. Check out headliners emails2saturn’s lovely track Parachute, which has been turning quite a few heads in the music blogosphere.

Tickets from £4.50 + bf